31 Days {day 23}: 10 tips for a mindful home

image via Kelly McCaleb

This list makes me happy.  I want it on my fridge to re-read frequently.  To re-align.  Because somehow this Karen Maezen Miller lady knows my inner thoughts a bit too well: my necessity for making my bed each day, my inner monologue of grumpy laundry complaints, my bewilderment that my stairs can have dusty little corners just one day after sweeping them clean.  She knows how much I love and need my sleep.  Sleep makes it on her list twice.  I love this Karen Maezen Miller lady.

So I hope this to-do list greets you with a soul-warming understanding of what’s important and why.  Because heaven knows none of us needs another checklist that breeds guilt for failing to achieve perfection!

And now I’m off to set a timer and have an intimate liaison with my laundry.


  1. Jo said:

    Great post–especially the make the bed one for me! It’s one of those that nags at me until I do it. Rebel that I am, it’s where I have my moment of rebellion by not making it!!

    October 24, 2012
  2. Susan said:

    Thank you for this gracious reminder. I also have two babies at home (2 and 1/2 and almost 6 months) and the corners of the stairs never seem to stay clean. Or under the kitchen table. (But the dog loves it there!)

    October 24, 2012
  3. Susan said:

    Your thoughtful post inspired me to finish making my bed! The simplest tasks often provide the greatest satisfaction!

    October 25, 2012

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