Category: <span>Parenting</span>

Intentional Living Motherhood Parenting

The dollar bill left as the waitress’s tip changed everything. It was a single dollar.  The waitress earned every penny of it.  She brought out a custom dessert, sent me…


I’ve only just picked up my fork when I hear, “Mama, may I be excused please?” This is a typical dinnertime in the toddler stage of family life. One child…

Intentional Living Parenting

There’s a general rout in our house the minute Big Friend walks in the door at the end of the day.  He arrives, work bag in hand, tall and steady…


7:17 am: You wake up.  Unlike most mornings when you replace the monitor static with coos and chortles and yelps, you cry.  Overtired from an Easter weekend away from home,…

Memories Parenting

Anna Watson Carl makes me want to down Blood Orange Cilantro Mocktails.  And throw a Gnocchi Face-Off for NYC powerhouse foodies.  And flit off to a Valapariso, Peru vacation.  She’s…

Parenting Recipes and Fare