Tag: <span>baby</span>

7:17 am: You wake up.  Unlike most mornings when you replace the monitor static with coos and chortles and yelps, you cry.  Overtired from an Easter weekend away from home,…

Memories Parenting

We’re suspicious Little One might be a slug.  Everywhere she goes, she leaves a swath of slime trailing in her wake.  Part drooling from a seemingly never-ending teething season and…

Kids and Treasures Motherhood

Fridays bring the writing delight of Lisa Jo Baker’s 5-Minute Friday writing challenge: one topic, five minutes of unedited writing, and a big community of writers cheering one another on.…

Five Minute Fridays Memories Motherhood

I’m slowly gathering the eating things: high chair tray, spoons, bibs, food stuffs.  I’m tagging, highlighting, dog-earing and underlining my chosen baby feeding books (namely this, this, and this). But…

Memories Motherhood


I’ve fallen in love–the drunken stumble, tripping, head-over-heels, topsy-turvy sort of fall–with both my babes somewhere between their third and fourth months on this earth.  I fall in love hard–a…

Kids and Treasures Memories Thoughts and Musings