Tag: <span>fun</span>

Pittsburgh at end of summer | Carnegie Museum of Art | Carnegie Museum of Natural History | Troy Hill Splash Park Kids’ hands cycled through my own like an animated…

Intentional Living Memories

And they all played happily ever after…is not the way this story ends.  It ends with one cousin, wearing pink travel headphones, Little Mermaid on the DVD paused mid-song, sobbing…

Kids and Treasures

August is a cruel, cruel month.  It taunts and teases with little whip lashes of fall while still oozing forget-me-not notes of summer.  For those of us who are adverse…

Intentional Living Memories

“Here Mama.  Eat. Have enerzy tell story.”  A pretend bite of pancake is shoved into my mouth.  The salty taste of toddler fingers lingers on my lips as I pretend…

Kids and Treasures

When we were little, you could tell our personalities apart by our hair styles.  Mine: long and straight from four years old until, well, now.  Hers: Short today, long tomorrow.…

Kids and Treasures Thoughts and Musings

I have post-summer-camp-itis.  It’s that dis-ease that settles in once sleep finally revisits your eyelids, your bags are unpacked, musty clothes shuttled to (but not necessarily back from) the laundry,…

Thoughts and Musings Wanderings and Travel