Tag: <span>humor</span>

October 3 | Capture I spent an afternoon on death row with two lobsters. The white box marked with an ominous and unavoidable “Perishable” sat in my hallway.  As far…

Thoughts and Musings

28 weeks of this pregnancy is a bit of a milestone for me.  Little Friend arrived on the scene at 34 weeks after I passively fought a bed-rest battle against…

Thoughts and Musings

“I want to drink my chocolate milk, but I do not want to cooperate.” I hadn’t planned on having this time slot open in my schedule for writing.  I’d blocked…

Kids and Treasures Thoughts and Musings

Apparently there’s no end to the lessons parents must learn.  Really, before Little Friend came into my life, I felt like a mostly responsible, reasonable, competent, well-rounded human being.  I…

Thoughts and Musings

“Upside down…upside right.” Some days are just mixed up like that.  Some things go upside down.  And other things, which by all other accounts should be right side up, end…

Thoughts and Musings

“You’ve got a frog in your throat” is a tricky thing to say to a two-year-old.  It’s a downright dangerous thing to say to Little Friend.  When the mucus-y, cloggy,…

Thoughts and Musings