Tag: <span>memories</span>

“Stick your head through that wall,” I command a child.  Seems right for this place.  This place is a Roman amphitheater.  Site of gladiatorial battles.  This place is Arles, France. …

Thoughts Wanderings and Travel

I usually don’t expect travel to result in regret.  Nostalgia, sure.  A marrow-deep slurry of wistfulness that the Portuguese call saudade, absolutely.  But regret?  Not so much.  Travel always somehow…

Intentional Living Wanderings and Travel

I’m relearning addition and subtraction alongside Miss I, and can I tell you, 12-5=? still has me doing some mental finger counting.  I feel much more comfortable with the opposing…

Five Minute Fridays Memories Thoughts and Musings

It’s 6:52 am and I watch the college student in orange parka and backpack walk to the fluorescent-lit corner bus stop and I watch the Pittsburgh Port Authority bus arrive with lights blazing…

Five Minute Fridays Thoughts and Musings

The day after Thanksgiving, those Parisians leaned tee-pees of wrapped Christmas trees against street corner newspaper stands, grocery market entrances, charcuterie doors, patisserie awnings.  Christmas had arrived in Paris.  Christmas…


Christmas cookies taste like security.  When I was growing up, my grandmother made sure all of our festive cookie needs were met with a dash and panache of silver and…

Memories Parenting