Tag: <span>school</span>

“One night, in a phosphorescent sea, he marveled at the sight of some whale spouting luminous water; and later lying on the deck of his boat gazing at the immense,…

Intentional Living Kids and Treasures Memories

October 4 | Embrace We wait in the school pick up line for the chimes to signal the end of the elementary school day.  We wait for vibrant bodies to spill…

Memories Thoughts and Musings

A report card: Third week of first grade, first full week of preschool.  19/20 on the spelling test.  Self-portrait created with some semi-identifable body parts.  Yoga class attended (headstand progress…

Five Minute Fridays

It’s something you just gotta do, kid.  One foot has to be placed in front of another, up the bus steps, and back down into that brand new school building…

Five Minute Fridays Memories Motherhood

Little Friend informs me she doesn’t think I’d make a very successful preschooler.  We discuss my viable candidacy as we walk to her first day of Pre-K.  Little One happily…

Intentional Living Motherhood Thoughts and Musings

A three-year old, barely weighing 30 pounds soaking wet, leaves a black hole of empty in her wake.  She leaves droppings that my emotions stumble over and pick up her scent…

Memories Motherhood