Tag: <span>travel</span>

I usually don’t expect travel to result in regret.  Nostalgia, sure.  A marrow-deep slurry of wistfulness that the Portuguese call saudade, absolutely.  But regret?  Not so much.  Travel always somehow…

Intentional Living Wanderings and Travel

My eight-year-old daughter C asks the most annoying question: “Wait, what?” She asks it in that way that only a frustrated eight-year-old, youngest of the family, can as she navigates…

Intentional Living Thoughts and Musings

My children are learning about straight lines.  About the concentration that goes into a straight line. Not the continuous path laid by a pencil’s sacrifice, but the intermittent punches of…

Intentional Living Memories Thoughts and Musings Wanderings and Travel

Extrovert-me takes longer to wake up than introvert-me.  I’m fairly balanced, personality wise, between the extrovert and introvert, and while introvert-me looks at the dividing line between the two zones with…

Five Minute Fridays Intentional Living

Intentional Living Motherhood

The day after Thanksgiving, those Parisians leaned tee-pees of wrapped Christmas trees against street corner newspaper stands, grocery market entrances, charcuterie doors, patisserie awnings.  Christmas had arrived in Paris.  Christmas…
