Tag: <span>writing</span>

Miss C stuck a goldfish cracker up her nose the other day.  She did it in that intentional way of all children who are three and host a permanent twinkle in…

Five Minute Fridays

I never thought I’d fall in love with a green pumpkin.  It’s probably technically a gourd, but that word sounds like a contender for Top 10 Vegetable Insults, so I’m…

Five Minute Fridays Intentional Living

My children are funhouse mirror versions of one another.  Same, but different.  But same enough to make the differences seem distorted and unexpected.  From four months old, both girls have sucked…

Five Minute Fridays

She writes her “e”s backward.  And usually her “3”s.  Her “S”s are centipedes curled in concentric nests.  She’s not concerned about these departures from accepted writing.  I’m trying not to…

Five Minute Fridays

Two questions follow the word “belong”: “where?”  and “to whom?” Two reactions follow the word “belong”: “do I?” and “Yes!” Because it’s difficult to always root yourself in a place…

Five Minute Fridays

The list of ideas I have for blog posts is log jamming while I’m looking for the time–it must be here somewhere, surely–to sit and write.  Perhaps this just isn’t…
