Tag: <span>writing</span>

This was one wedding Martha Stewart will overlook.  She’ll adjust her teeny reading glasses and shuffle to the next couple in the review pile.  Not because the wedding wasn’t poignant.…

Wanderings and Travel

Pre-eclampsia I sat with clasped hands in the passenger seat, watching but not seeing the buzz-cut hills along Interstate 279 slip off of the front windshield.  My legs were shaking…

Thoughts and Musings

On Sunday, August 29, 2010 Outside my window…Oleander blossoms, prickly pear fruit clusters, palm trees shedding skin and branches into the street, clouds mustering forces into thunderhead battalions, a punishing…

Thoughts and Musings

Sit.  Stay at home, mom. Stay. I chose to be a stay-at-home mom.  I willingly gave up grading vocab quizzes, rousing snoozing students from drool-slicked desktops, signing crumpled hall passes,…

Thoughts and Musings