Category: <span>Five Minute Fridays</span>

My children are funhouse mirror versions of one another.  Same, but different.  But same enough to make the differences seem distorted and unexpected.  From four months old, both girls have sucked…

Five Minute Fridays

I somehow have it in my head that “doing a yoga headstand” belongs on my life bucket list. Unlike most other athletic classes (where the young skinny things who have…

Five Minute Fridays

It’s something you just gotta do, kid.  One foot has to be placed in front of another, up the bus steps, and back down into that brand new school building…

Five Minute Fridays Memories Motherhood

I love to anticipate. It’s the thrill of planning  a vacation, mentally packing outfits, mentally sight-seeing, mentally relaxing over chargrilled burgers. It’s the thrill of picking the next good book.…

Five Minute Fridays

“My shoe touched a poison mushroom and my hand touched my shoe and I put my finger in my mouth.”  Her eyes are pinched.  Her face pale.  She sucks on…

Five Minute Fridays

We are the proud owners of a house rabbit, thanks to the devastating combination of a pair of little white ears, a pair of sparkling blue eyes, and the phrase…

Five Minute Fridays