Category: <span>Intentional Living</span>

One of my favorite parts of Peter Rabbit’s Tale is at the very end, after his misadventures with cat, hoe, and snare in Mr. McGregor’s garden, when he races home…

Five Minute Fridays Intentional Living

I never thought I’d fall in love with a green pumpkin.  It’s probably technically a gourd, but that word sounds like a contender for Top 10 Vegetable Insults, so I’m…

Five Minute Fridays Intentional Living

What happens to the moments in life when I’m almost ready?  Almost, but not quite there yet. The moment when the eyes spark with soul and the smile tweaks baby cheeks on…

Intentional Living Memories

Little C simply does not know what a whisper is.  She thinks it’s yelling…with your lips mostly pursed.  This definition makes for some interesting interactions at church, library, post office,…

Intentional Living

I took a crash course in drawing from the National Gallery of Art this weekend, crash being the operative word, as in “Crash and Burn.” At least, my output has the…

Intentional Living

I am surrounded by a silence that can only occur when I am not responsible for another breathing member of the house. A silence that I fill by folding my…

Intentional Living Memories