Category: <span>Intentional Living</span>

I inadvertently guffaw at the word “Rest” as we come out of a week’s siege of stomach flu that has left a baby wide awake in dark hours and diapers…

Five Minute Fridays Intentional Living

Intentional Living

“Mama, I think you are the best mommy in the whole world.” Oh, I just want to grab those words and carry them around in my pocket for, like, the…

Intentional Living Memories

It doesn’t take much to remind me how much I love books: this week it was a dinner comprised of scrumptious Ina Garten dishes, a good glass of wine, some…

Intentional Living

So I’m super, duper good at full steam ahead onslaughts to the finish line.  I know when I get that determined, wild-eyed, crazy woman attitude because Big Friend visibly cringes,…

Intentional Living

Five Minute Fridays Intentional Living Thoughts and Musings