Category: <span>Motherhood</span>

We have a monster living at our house.  It’s a creepy, sneaky, gnashing, thrashing, obstinant mutant Tyranasourus Rex named Sharktooth.  Sharktooth lodged in Little Friend’s imagination, and hence our lives,…

Kids and Treasures Motherhood

We’re suspicious Little One might be a slug.  Everywhere she goes, she leaves a swath of slime trailing in her wake.  Part drooling from a seemingly never-ending teething season and…

Kids and Treasures Motherhood

Fridays bring the writing delight of Lisa Jo Baker’s 5-Minute Friday writing challenge: one topic, five minutes of unedited writing, and a big community of writers cheering one another on.…

Five Minute Fridays Memories Motherhood

Memories Motherhood

Dear Little One, You’ve sprung some leaks.  I’m not talking about the obvious leaks, although you’ve had those in rainbow colors of yellow, orange, brown, and green since starting solid…

Memories Motherhood

I’m slowly gathering the eating things: high chair tray, spoons, bibs, food stuffs.  I’m tagging, highlighting, dog-earing and underlining my chosen baby feeding books (namely this, this, and this). But…

Memories Motherhood