Category: <span>Thoughts and Musings</span>

On Sunday, August 29, 2010 Outside my window…Oleander blossoms, prickly pear fruit clusters, palm trees shedding skin and branches into the street, clouds mustering forces into thunderhead battalions, a punishing…

Thoughts and Musings

“Yinz goin’ Dahn-tahn, n’at?”  Sounds like a foreign language, but it’s not.  It’s Pittsburgh.  Home of the Steeler Nation, more mullets per capita than any city, and an astounding array…

Thoughts and Musings

Now here’s a problem I want in my life:  Four pints of raspberries.  Warm to the touch from the sun they drank through the spiky umbilical cords of their mother…

Thoughts and Musings

It’s hard, real hard, to get “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can” unstuck from my brain.  That stupid little sing-song phrase ranks right up…

Kids and Treasures Thoughts and Musings

Sit.  Stay at home, mom. Stay. I chose to be a stay-at-home mom.  I willingly gave up grading vocab quizzes, rousing snoozing students from drool-slicked desktops, signing crumpled hall passes,…

Thoughts and Musings

It’s finally arrived: Summer Vacation.  (Necessary to slap capital letters on those words.)  While I’m (not) busy this week sipping sweet tea on a South Carolina beach, three of my…

Thoughts and Musings