Tag: <span>family</span>

1.  I know “Pig Banky Banks” can hold just as many pennies in their gluttonous bellies as Piggy Banks. 2.  I know I want to be a mom whose arms…

Thoughts and Musings

“You’ve got a frog in your throat” is a tricky thing to say to a two-year-old.  It’s a downright dangerous thing to say to Little Friend.  When the mucus-y, cloggy,…

Thoughts and Musings

She said she would give him a kiss if he liked, but Peter did not know what she meant, and he held out his hand expectantly. “Surely you know what…

Thoughts and Musings

Kids and Treasures Thoughts and Musings

1.  The rules are changing quickly around here.  I know I’m supposed to be keeping up, but I swear just yesterday I learned that orange runny poop was a-ok for…

Recipes and Fare Thoughts and Musings

She needs a haircut.  Yesterday, we went about our business with Little Friend sporting a shaggy, fluffy, spastic, greasy do.  The barette working its darndest to contain the jungle of…

Thoughts and Musings