Tag: <span>kids</span>

“Pass the sugar please,” said Dixon the Bear to Francis the Pig. “Don’t mind if I do,” replied Francis in his most jovial porcine manner. “More tea for me,” squeaked…

Kids and Treasures

It doesn’t look like November outside of my window.  Green leaves are holding sunlight like scoops of lemon sorbet.  Russet leaves and bare twigs are bisecting the blue sky into…

Kids and Treasures

So I get this magazine, and I immediately pour over it.  I mean POUR over it.  Mug of tea in one hand and my eyes roving over each article, photo,…

Kids and Treasures

I love the name Matilda.  I love the name Jane.  Slap those two names together on the label of one of the world’s most adorable girl’s clothing lines, and you…

Kids and Treasures