Tag: <span>summer</span>

It’s the kind of burger that makes you groan luxuriously on the first chomp.  The pillow of bun, the juice of beef, the slip of lettuce, the squish of tomato,…

Intentional Living Wanderings and Travel

Memories Thoughts and Musings

And they all played happily ever after…is not the way this story ends.  It ends with one cousin, wearing pink travel headphones, Little Mermaid on the DVD paused mid-song, sobbing…

Kids and Treasures

I’m a glutton for punishment: I submitted myself to a four-year-old’s brutally honest view of her mama by asking her a round of those questions you’ve seen on the Father’s…


This Monday I’m continuing my brand new tradition of sending out some quick snippets of moments, thoughts, and favorites from the week. ~~~~~ “Mama, does poo have pee in it?”…

Thoughts and Musings

The list of ideas I have for blog posts is log jamming while I’m looking for the time–it must be here somewhere, surely–to sit and write.  Perhaps this just isn’t…
