Tag: <span>thoughts</span>

On Sunday, August 29, 2010 Outside my window…Oleander blossoms, prickly pear fruit clusters, palm trees shedding skin and branches into the street, clouds mustering forces into thunderhead battalions, a punishing…

Thoughts and Musings

Now here’s a problem I want in my life:  Four pints of raspberries.  Warm to the touch from the sun they drank through the spiky umbilical cords of their mother…

Thoughts and Musings

Sit.  Stay at home, mom. Stay. I chose to be a stay-at-home mom.  I willingly gave up grading vocab quizzes, rousing snoozing students from drool-slicked desktops, signing crumpled hall passes,…

Thoughts and Musings

I have a confession to make: I’m taking the easy way out with today’s post. I’m stealing some memories from my France 2006 travel journal rather than writing brand new…

Thoughts and Musings Wanderings and Travel

And now for something completely different.  A series of 100-word “postcards” from my weekend solo trip to New York City. I don’t have a sippy cup.  I’m out of wipes. …

Thoughts and Musings

“‘I’m glad it’s wick!’ she cried out in her whisper.  ‘I want them all to be wick.  Let us go round the garden and count how many wick ones there…

Thoughts and Musings Wanderings and Travel