Tag: <span>write 31 days</span>

Little C simply does not know what a whisper is.  She thinks it’s yelling…with your lips mostly pursed.  This definition makes for some interesting interactions at church, library, post office,…

Intentional Living

I took a crash course in drawing from the National Gallery of Art this weekend, crash being the operative word, as in “Crash and Burn.” At least, my output has the…

Intentional Living

I am surrounded by a silence that can only occur when I am not responsible for another breathing member of the house. A silence that I fill by folding my…

Intentional Living Memories


Joy is a lodestone in the pit of my stomach. That’s not a word I use or think about much–lodestone–unearthed from ancient English roots that have clumps of fairy and sea monster…

Intentional Living

We get kinda excited about a thrift store around here.  You know the kind I mean–the filled with junk/treasures and exuding that certain musty, a dead-cat-may-be-decomposing-in-a-suitcase-somewhere kind of smelling place.…

Kids and Treasures

We are Queens of Where the Wild Ocean Things are. We march on the waves, and they dare not touch our toes as we jump, leap, and squeal over them. We…

Intentional Living Memories