Category: <span>Kids and Treasures</span>

Kids and Treasures Thoughts

Dear Disneyland, Your bathroom custodian won my heart. As I crammed in the stall waiting for a wee mermaid to finish her business, I overheard the following: “Ladies, come right…

Kids and Treasures Memories Wanderings and Travel

And they all played happily ever after…is not the way this story ends.  It ends with one cousin, wearing pink travel headphones, Little Mermaid on the DVD paused mid-song, sobbing…

Kids and Treasures

A snowdrop wilts behind grandma’s ear.  A bowl of maple tree flower buds is offered up on the altar of my kitchen counter.  A star gazer lily slowly loses its…

Five Minute Fridays Kids and Treasures Memories Thoughts and Musings

Remember when your hair stood in a mohawk fringe after being raked through with a handful of hummus? Remember how you chortle with a conquerer’s joy when you climb into…

Five Minute Fridays Kids and Treasures

This is the face of someone seeing Disney on Ice from a front-row seat.  All those Snow Whites, Tinkerbells, Peter Pans, Wendy, Alices, and Mickeys whirling, twirling, and dancing in…

Five Minute Fridays Kids and Treasures