Category: <span>Kids and Treasures</span>

We have a monster living at our house.  It’s a creepy, sneaky, gnashing, thrashing, obstinant mutant Tyranasourus Rex named Sharktooth.  Sharktooth lodged in Little Friend’s imagination, and hence our lives,…

Kids and Treasures Motherhood

We’re suspicious Little One might be a slug.  Everywhere she goes, she leaves a swath of slime trailing in her wake.  Part drooling from a seemingly never-ending teething season and…

Kids and Treasures Motherhood

Little Friend’s been in a Christmas tizzy for a number of weeks now.  Back on October 1, she composed her first Christmas gift wish list: “1 chocolate in wrapping paper.…

Kids and Treasures

Kids and Treasures

Wide is the gulf of years between me and her.  She wears my baby clothes, cherished through the years by her grandmother.  Wider still the strand of DNA that bridges…

Kids and Treasures Memories

Smooky books, smooky stories, smooky movies.  That’s Little Friend’s current request: things that spook (or smook), scare, and go bump in the night.  This same little girl who feels it…

Kids and Treasures Memories Motherhood