Tag: <span>kids</span>

August is a cruel, cruel month.  It taunts and teases with little whip lashes of fall while still oozing forget-me-not notes of summer.  For those of us who are adverse…

Intentional Living Memories

“I don’t like this Valentine’s Day card.” “I’m not fond of cleaning up.” “That does not make me happy.” “STOP IT!” “But I want something!” Yesterday, I begged Big Friend…

Kids and Treasures Thoughts and Musings

“I want to drink my chocolate milk, but I do not want to cooperate.” I hadn’t planned on having this time slot open in my schedule for writing.  I’d blocked…

Kids and Treasures Thoughts and Musings

There are just a few wisps of baby cocoon clinging to Little Friend’s rapidly spreading pre-schooler wings.  The other day, Big Friend and I realized that another sizable chunk of…

Kids and Treasures Thoughts and Musings

Little Friend gave me a birthday present this morning as she wandered out of her bedroom, footsteps still dragging in the sands of sleep and tousled hair stuck to eye…

Kids and Treasures Thoughts and Musings

Sometimes failure looks like a messy house. Failure leers at me from the kitchen sink where dishes multiply with the voracity of an alley-full of un-spayed cats. Failure jeers at…

Thoughts and Musings